WOW...what a great question at Cafe Chat this week! Kim atTo Know Him has posted another question from the archives. And, it's SUCH a deep question....but a "good" deep. It really made me take an introspective look. Her question to us was:
What would be the title of a book about your life?
Well, I'll have to tell you, what immediately popped in my head was actually the title of a movie, but it would be the title of the book about my life. The book would be called "The Scent of a Woman". (HOO-WAH!)
When I read the question, the verse in Ephesians 5:2 flashed up on the screen in my says:
"And walk in love, as Christ has also loved us and given Himself for us, an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweet smelling aroma." I have often thought of this verse the minute that I come in contact with some very displeasing odor, like trash. I find myself thinking about the Lord and what HE must think about the very displeasing odor of our sin. Actually, odor is a mild word....our sin to Him is a stench. As sensitive as I am to certain smells (you're talking about a girl who has to tie a towel around her face to clean out the fridge....I get SICK at the smell of cold food--not even bad food, just cold food!), I can't IMAGINE what the Lord must think at the hideous foul smell of something so hideous as sin in the presence of a HOLY HOLY GOD! So, my dear friends, I would hope that my book would be called "The Scent of a woman (of the Lord)"....I want my life to be a sweet smelling aroma to my most Holy and precious Savior, Jesus Christ. SOOOOOOO....Are you going to be this?
Or will you be this?