I'll bet you thought I had dropped off of the earth....but no....I've been SO overwhelmed with so many things going on in my life and in Rob's life right now. My father is still very ill, Rob's Dad is also very ill, I've had some health issues going on and in December, Rob will have his second hip replacement. Let's just say, I've been a little stretched lately. But today, it was nice just to sit in the recliners and watch one of our favorite things of ALL TIME. What is that you ask? Well, it's a Southern tradition. It's what we look forward to all year long.....it's College Football! Specifically, it's University of Alabama Crimson Tide Football to be exact! And the season has started off with a bang at 3-0! Another win today of 53/7 was pretty nice to add to our scoreboard!
There has been so much swirling around us that it's nice just to sit back with my husband and watch a great college football game. We cheer....we hoot....we "holla"....and the dog looks at us like we've lost every shred of a brain cell in our heads. And with every loud "Woo Hoo", one of the cats has a nervous breakdown. But you know what? We have
the best time with each other. It's common ground that may not be shared by all married couples. But for us, it's common ground that we love. As a matter of fact, I think when we were dating, I remember Rob lighting up like a Christmas tree when I asked him if he liked Alabama football. And I do, and he does too...and during college football season, you'll most likely find us in our matching recliners covered up with Alabama blankets with our Alabama Tervis Tumblers (Bed Bath and Beyond---go get yourself one!) and our little dachshund, Buddy. And as soon as it gets cold, Buddy will even be decked out in his Alabama Crimson Tide fleece jacket!
These are by no means things that control our lives.....but they are things that we really enjoy doing together as a family. Even if our family is just me and Rob and the dog and the cats, it's still our little family and we still thank the Lord that we have each other to share those fun Saturdays. I see the family time being sucked out of the lives of a lot of families around us with more extra curricular activities than I have fingers and toes. I see people leading separate lives all the time. It's those times that it makes me thankful for first, my salvation in the Lord Jesus Christ; secondly, the holy covenant between me and Rob, bound together by our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ and; thirdly, it makes me thankful that I get to spend the rest of my days on the earth making so many more wonderful memories with Rob. Aside from my Bible, he is the greatest earthly treasure given to me by the Lord. I will forever be thankful to the Lord for placing us in each others lives. He has truly blessed us beyond our own vain imaginings.
I would pray that you and your husband have special things that bring you close together....special times like a great college football game, or a hometown high school football game or maybe something that is not sports oriented at all. I just pray that you are as blessed as I am to have such a precious husband and one that I can find so many things to enjoy with him as we walk with the Lord and walk the rest of this life together.
10 Who can find a virtuous wife?
For her worth is far above rubies.
11 The heart of her husband safely trusts her;
So he will have no lack of gain.
12 She does him good and not evil
All the days of her life........ 30 Charm is deceitful and beauty is passing,
But a woman who fears the LORD, she shall be praised.
31 Give her of the fruit of her hands,
And let her own works praise her in the gates. Proverbs 31:10-12; 30-31